Jamie presented two weekly shows on Off The Chart Radio (OTC), an established fully-licenced internet radio station which ran for ten years from 2004-2014.
OTC recently relaunched as a temporary pop-up station to get us through the coronavirus lockdown, with a rolling schedule of past presenters, including Jamie.
The Sunday show (11pm-1am) was running for over five years, with an eclectic mix of music and trademark Nemethness. ‘The Midweekend’ was a much newer show (Wednesdays 11pm-12am) dedicated to those of us whose working week doesn’t line up with the typical Monday-to-Friday routine, with an upbeat mix of music, topical chat, and his own take on the ‘guess that track’ game in the form of the loosely-science-inspired 2nd Harmonic Quiz.
The Unchart was the main feature of the Sunday show; an eclectic mix of signed and unsigned music and chat, with a voter-driven Top 5 chart. The concept was born from a melting pot of ideas, and a few messages sitting in one of Jamie’s inboxes from enthusiastic musicians who he thought more than deserved to be heard on the radio. In its five-year run, over half a million votes were cast for nearly 200 featured acts.